Friday, 6 February 2009

Snow glorious snow!!!!!!!

What a fun couple of days although the snow does come with its problems as my show on Saturday has been cancelled, which im abit gutted about as each dog had 5 runs and they got 2 attempts at there jumping and agility rounds, he ho although Diesel wouldn't be able to go as she is season.

My dogs have had a great couple of days, they all adore the snow and really take advantage of the extra walks they are getting as we all have more time. It was my mums birthday yesterday and been as no one wanted to drive anywhere we took the dogs for a long walk, fortunately they were knackered when we got home. Poor Jess she gets loads of snow stuck to her and it must be really painful but she doesn't seem to care and as soon as you've got them all off shes outside having a roll again!!!
Today Ian managed to get to work and then his boss phoned in and as there was only 2 of them and told them to go home. His friend helped him get out of the car park and then came home although did get his car stuck up our road, but with the help off some neighbours and a spade we got it out into a safe parking space where no one is going to skid into it. So Ian was able to come for along walk with us today and realised why i was so tired last night as its really hard to walk on....

I have finally invested in some weaves and a tunnel and some poles. Ian is going to make me some jumps and then i can keep it all up the school and go up whenever the school is free and have a play... I am awaiting the weaves as they are being made and the tunnel would have arrived if it hadn't have snowed, but i am unable to get to the school at the moment so that makes no odds. Its funny having an indoor venue but the road to it isn't too good and theres no point as i made it there the start of the week but am not going to risk it know.

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