Monday, 1 March 2010

Jessica is buzzing!!

Well Jessica had an amazing day on Saturday at Barking mad. She flew round all her courses and left me standing, just in every round i let her down either on her flick flacks or her pull throughs i just seemed to move that split secound to quick and she read my body language and did as i told her which is such a shame as she had a fab run in her 4-7 course i was well chuffed with her. She really worked for me and she kept one eye on my body language the whole time, that doesn't happen often lol. She had her back done she was a little tight in her left shoulder and in her lower back so i think that has made all the difference so she's booked in at 5pm the night before crufts although i will probably let her down again!! I am finding Gemma rather difficult as to be far one of them had been sick in the back of the car when i took them for a quick walk Saturday morning and she didn't eat her breakfast so it must have been her, so she was abit slow. Its so annoying as one week you think you have it and then the next she just doesn't seem to care, i'm hoping when the summer shows are her i won't have to que with her as she does find it really stressful, so bring on the summer!!

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