Unfortunately this weekend i had Jess measured... and she has put muscle on her neck so all over 1cm she is know large. I am really really disappointed about it, as when she has her head in her normal position she is a medium and when she has it up how the measures want her to stand she is large. I won't be disputing it as i was there and i could see it with my own eyes its just i really feel for Jess as just because she has put abit of muscle on through doing agility (which is great) she has know got a massive difference in jump height. I do wonder how long her career is going to be as she has an old shoulder injury which she goes lame over every know and then so i don't know how long she will cope with doing large. I may just do agility rounds with her as i don't want to put too much pressure on her joints as i don't want a dog that is crippled when there old just because of me. This has all hit me really hard as i am know looking at agility in a whole different light. We aren't going to get anywhere in large and as much as i love my dogs and I'm soo proud of how far they've come i do feel like I've hit a brick wall and it is all going to have to be for fun and just for clears. Don't get me wrong it is all been fun but i like a little bit in return for the hard work i.e getting placed where as know it all seems very expensive for abit of fun. I also feel that all my goals and ambitions have been snatched away in the space of 2hours and all over 1cm.
Gemma is still being strange, and having a good old nose at the judges and i pulled her out of her agility i'm finding her really frustrating at the moment as she goes down to the rings as normal and gets all excited and then you get in the ring and shes like a different dog. The only reason i keep going with her is because i really enjoy working her and she is capable. Oh well hopefully one day she'll come back.
Diesel was good on Saturday and i let her down in the team. We had a boxer team and yes if i hadn't have touched her we'd have got a 3rd but the reason i touched her was because she was bumbling through her weaves and a dog outside the ring lunged at her barking away and Diesel just moved out of the way off it bless her. She was in a difficult position to get her back in and i didn't want her to do it all again as it wasn't her fault so i guided her back in. Although touching Diesel was one of my least problems on Saturday lol.
Jessica forgot what in meant on Saturday in the pairs and got e'd so in her jumping round where it was jump jump "in" i was pretty determined to get in. So i screamed at her and she got it and she did a lovely clear in her jumping. By the time her final came round we were all rather exhausted at being at the show since 8 and not getting in ring till 6.45. I had no expectations as i really wasn't in the mood to run and Jess must have been tired by know. We were 8th in and she ran the best she has ever run (apart from her weaves but shh) and she hammered up the a frame and i think on the way down she realsied the amount of people watching her and she took of over a jump looking at everyone and landed on the fence lol otherwise she would have been 5th but what an amazing experience getting to run in front of all those people so i must thanks Jess for qualifying us as i don't think we'll get another opportunity like that again.
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