Thursday, 5 March 2009


This morning we were at the vets at 8am, thank god Jess has had her stiches out! Its all fine and looks really good. She wasn't to keen on going in but soon had a sweety. Its such a sigh of relief as she won't keep still and does everything at full pelt without thinking. Where as if it was one of the boxers i'm quite sure they'd take the oppourtunity to have a good sleep. Were back on the road know i can't remember the last time she did agility it was before the snow. I did a tiny bit of weaving with her whilst we were away she she swore blankey that she'd never seen them before lol. I'm sure she'll get back in the swing quickly again....
Gemma also had her yearly booster. I was in two minds whethter to have it done, as you hear more and more stories off it affecting dogs and recently my uncles dog was put down at 2 years old after her injection... So i will worry about her know for a couple of weeks.
Tomorow we are going to crufts for the day, i love crufts its such a great day out. It will be a strange day though as it will be very different as alot of people have pulled out. There will be alot if us and were taking Joe the crufts virgin with us and my brother who is also a crufts virgin. Good luck to every one who is competeting over the next couple of days i am very jealous of you all.... Special good luck to the brickyard babies flyball team, you can borrow Diesel if you need to as i know shes soooo quick, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

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